CSS Layout

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Not that much CSS is needed for a grid system using float (look in the module.css file). Combined with the width utility classes we have a responsive grid. Unfortunately we do have to manage clearing the floats when making responsive layouts.

Yes there are some issues with unequal heights but these can be overcome by introducing a little flexbox which we will cover later.

Holy grail layout - Heights unequal


CSS Layout

The history of CSS Layout on the web is largely web developers using tools for layout which were not intended for layout.


Product grid - Heights unequal

CSS Pocket Reference

Know your margins from your paddings.

Unequal heights :(

CSS Pocket Reference

meow vol iii

Volume 3, now meow's what I call literature

meow vol 3

meow vol iii

Volume 3, now meow's what I call literature

meow vol 3

meow vol iii

Volume 3, now meow's what I call literature

meow vol 3

meow vol iii

Volume 3, now meow's what I call literature

meow vol 3

meow vol iii

Volume 3, now meow's what I call literature

meow vol 3